The Kube Hotel Paris

Private view Featuring Trixee Sparkle –September 9th 2009-08-27

Black Flamingo

The Wintergarten was closed down at the beginning of this year and will open one last time for this extraordinary Burlesque show for sixth weeks only.
From October 2nd until November 15th "Black Flamingo" will bring Burlesque performers from all over the world together in Berlin in a show filled with artistic, comedy and burlesque. International stars such as "HoneyLuLu", "Miss Evi and Mister Leu", "Trixee Sparkle", "Catherine D'Lish" or the famous German group "The Teaserettes" make this a unique, inventive, fascinating and unmissable Show.

Miss Exotic World 2009

I am really pleased to reveal that I will be performing at Miss Exotic World in Las Vegas in the best debut catorgory on the 6th June. I am really excited about being picked with only 8 other performers in my catorgory from around the world. After the performance is over plan to have a huge party in Vegas oh yeah.

Scarlet Revolver-New Show

Scarlet Revolver
My new sultry show 'Scarlet Revolver' was debuted last week at Cafe De Paris. I have posted a few taster pictures and as you can see I have a 6ft steely silver revolver that will simply blow you away, especially when you see what I can do with it.! More pics to follow and drop me a line with any enquiries

Miss Evi’s Company

November 2008-February 2009

Miss Evi's Company